Thursday, October 01, 2009

Rev. Dailey Young ... Augusta GOP volunteer passes away

"And God will open wide the gates of heaven for you to enter into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
- 2 Peter 1:11

I heard the sad news that Rev. Dailey Young of Churchville passed away Tuesday. Another of the "greatest generation" has left us at the age of 90.

I drove by the Youngs' house last Friday and almost stopped in. Almost. One of those moments that will never be recaptured....

Rev. and Mrs. Young were extremely active with the Augusta County Republican Committee until 2008, and he would open the meetings in prayer at which time he would always remember our troops who were at war and serving stateside and around the world.

They were a joyful couple ... Dailey and Charlotte ... and I remember once at an Augusta County GOP mass meeting when I was called to the check-in table to identify Mrs. Young because she had left her ID at home when she changed purses to attend the meeting. A snappy dresser, it brought out her youthful side and Rev. Young's, too. They were always happy.

The Youngs lived in Pastures District so I had the honor of being their magisterial district chairman for 10 years, supplying them with yard signs for their front yard and talking with them when we would pass in Churchville. Mrs. Young could be seen walking the sidewalks of Churchville at all times of the year.

I was privileged to be a guest in their home where Rev. Young proudly showed his World War II citations that were framed and hanging on the wall ... Purple Heart, Bronze Star ... earned while serving in the European Theater. He was a patriotic American through and through.

Ill health had kept the Youngs away from politics the past year but in my memory I can still see them working the precinct at Churchville on Election Day well into their 80s.

We will miss Rev. Young. Our condolences to Mrs. Young and to his family.

"Well done good and faithful servant." - Matthew 25:21

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