Monday, October 12, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: "McDonnell positive campaign leading in Virginia"

Rush Limbaugh talked about the Virginia gubernatorial race during the 1:00 hour today, and pointed out Bob McDonnell's positive campaign as part of the reason he is leading in all the polls as we head into the final three weeks before Election Day.

The Washington Examiner reported:
“Democratic candidates for Virginia's House are subtly distancing themselves from Creigh Deeds' struggling bid for governor as the top of their ticket faces mounting troubles.”And Virginia newspapers continue to decry the overwhelmingly negative campaign being run by Creigh.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch editorialized:
“Deeds' negativism may have been the campaign's crucial hinge…..There's a huge difference between the sentiments, "Vote for me" and "Don't vote for him." Deeds has offered the public numerous arguments for the latter. He's offered precious few for the former -- which leaves one wondering if he has any.”
And The Lynchburg News and Advance weighed in noting about Creigh:
“He’s refused to flesh out any of his positions on any of the major issues in the race: transportation, education, economic development. His prefered approach has been to sell his folksy style and, since August, trash his GOP opponent at every chance.... Deeds and his hired campaign staff, arguably, have reached new lows for campaign negativity in Virginia.”
Sad commentary about a guy from Bath County who is supposed to be "of the people."

Bob McDonnell for Governor 2009

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