Meanwhile, Concrete Bob points to an article in the American Thinker titled, "Palin's Revenge: Who's Laughing Now?" I love it!
Now correct me if I am wrong, but didn't I hear the Jurassic media bury the career of Sarah Palin just last July? And weren't they joined in this mockery by the so-called conservative elites like David Brooks and Karl Rove and Joe Scarborough and so on?Conservative leadership? Many look to Sarah for that leadership.
Wasn't Mo Dowd just delirious in fact that the wicked witch (of her world) was dead?
You betcha.
Well, just who is looking out of touch and foolish now? Hint: It isn't the Killa from Wasilla. And yes, I think that is her Brinks Truck in fact. One of them anyway.
thank you for link