Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is it time for term limits in Congress?

One thing I have heard over and over from independent voters in the unsettled political atmosphere of the past nine months is that it is time for term limits in Congress. We have them in place for the U.S. President ... we have a one-term limit for our Virginia governor ... and many states have term limits on their representatives.

We even had term limits in the local home school group that I belonged to while educating my kids at home ... three years ... so one person would not become entrenched in leadership.

Term limits would have to be across-the-board so to apply to everyone on all sides of the political aisle.

From Americans for Limited Government:
If the year of the “Tea Party” and the summer of the “Town Hall” are to bring lasting change to the American political system, then the elected representatives of both parties need to heed the fundamental message that was sent.

That message? “Enough is enough.”
Fifteen years ago, Republicans were swept into power pledging to bring fundamental change to Washington – including term limits. Of course, along with most of the promises contained in the “Contract with America,” term limits were abandoned very soon after the election.
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) has proposed term limits of three terms (6 years) for the U.S. House of Representatives and two terms (12 years) for the U.S. Senate. He is brave to step forward on this issue ... so now the question is, "Who else already in office will step to the plate and stand with him?"

As often happens to someone working on principle, he may find himself standing alone.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. Any organization has term limits. This is something I have been saying, too. DeMint has it right. These career politicians have to be stopped. No more Kennedys or Byrds, etc.
