Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SWAC news roundup

It's an overcast chilly day in the SWAC area so I decided to check out all the hot topics being discussed by my friends in the SWAC blogosphere....

Who knows better the feelings of New Yorkers about the trial of terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed being moved to their city than a native New Yorker? Yankee Phil noted that New York Gov. David Paterson thought it was a stupid idea. Meanwhile, Obama's bowing has been the topic of many while Phil wonders if this was what he meant by hope and change.

Check out the latest issue of THYME Magazine at The Journey as Bob looks into the controversy of whether the Ft. Hood shooting was an act of terrorism and media bashing of conservative types. Then we follow Bob out Rt. 250 west to Shenandoah Mountain on the border between Augusta and Highland Counties as he checks out the Confederate Breastworks and takes us back to an experience none of us can imagine because we have not walked in the shoes of those who lived through the Civil War. His post brings out the history geek in me....

Fishersville Mike is going "Rogue" as he celebrates Sarah Palin's new runaway best seller book that was released today ... and takes particular delight in a passage from page 271. Then he takes a look at the media frenzy and National Review's separate Sarah blog and then wonders what's up for Palin in 2012.

Jason wants to know why so many insist on being politically correct concerning Christmas (and great to see you, Augusta Water Cooler!).

With Obama batting 0-7, David points out that the president is failing in his campaign promises. As an emergency cardiac nurse, the Augusta Conservative also keeps us educated about the health care issue which is helpful when there are hundreds of pages of government double-speak to read. We'll stay tuned for more....

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