Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tea party patriots help California farmers

You've heard of the farmers in California who have had water cut to their crops due to radical environmentalists. Sean Hannity has taken his Fox News show to the fields to spotlight the tragedy ... and now Pajamas Media has spotlighted the tea partiers who are going to the aid of the farmers:
The Farmer Relief and Freedom Relay is collecting aid for the Central California farmers rocked by environmental extremism and big government.
The Farmer Relief and Freedom Relay will take two weeks to reach Fresno for a large rally, stopping along the way in places like Sioux Falls and Lexington, Kentucky. Though winter is fast approaching — or has already made an appearance — in these areas, these brave and kind souls are determined to aid the farmers.

Each tour group will have a California farmer with them to speak of the current situation. Each group will also include a featured speaker who will be along for the entire ride. Groups will travel in SUVs to handle any road conditions. One route — which I am taking — will travel roughly 4,000 miles across the top of the country and down the West Coast.
The tour is sponsored by Tea Party Patriots and Saving the Valley That Hope Forgot.

H/T to Connie

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