Monday, November 02, 2009

This GOP ticket deserves our vote

Sent to SWAC area residents....

Dear Fellow Virginians,

The Commonwealth is on the brink of an historic election that could send a message to Washington and the Democratic Congress and President.

I urge you to vote this Tuesday for the following:

- Bob McDonnell for Governor
- Bill Bolling for Lt. Governor
- Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General
- Dickie Bell for Delegate (R-20th House)
- Steve Landes for Delegate (R-25th House)
- Ben Cline for Delegate (R-24th House)

I have worked with each of these gentlemen over the years and feel they will lead Virginia in the right direction. Please join me tomorrow in going to the polls to vote for victory!


~Lynn Mitchell
Republican Party of Virginia
State Central Committee
6th Congressional District

Update: Have received many positive responses after sending out this message including this great rallying cry:
HI, Lynn, we will be in Churchville when the polls open to start the Republican sweep!
Let's do it, Virginia!

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