Tuesday, December 01, 2009

ClimateGate gets worse

Marc Morano of Climate Depot had this comment about Phil Jones stepping down:
“This is a victory for science. This is a positive development in the battle against the UN’s politicized science. Jones was at the epicenter of the UN's efforts to keep the grand narrative of man-made climate fears alive regardless of the data. Jones epitomized the best science that politics, massive funding and ideology could manufacture."
Climate Depot continues to follow all the breaking stories about this worldwide scandal.

On eve of climate summit, another scandal: 'Denmark rife with CO2 fraud...a comprehensive tax scam’ – December 1, 2009 – Copenhagen Post

'Fraud': 'Phil Jones knew there were severe problems with the urbanization research. Yet Jones continued to rely on that research in his work'

Muzzle Skeptics or Else! 'If Australia does not silence its skeptics and reduce its emissions there is a real risk of the nation becoming uninhabitable'

Video: Czech President: Global Warming is a Politician's 'Myth'

New Zealand Scientist: 'The Copenhagen climate conference must now be cancelled'

'The entire IPCC position is in tatters...IPCC must strike out all references to Professor Jones work'

'In the drama of global warming, the fat lady is singing'

One Down: ClimateGate Scientist Phil Jones is 'stepping down pending investigation into allegations that he overstated the case for man-made climate change'

Steve McIntyre: 'Gerry North Doesn't Understand the 'Trick' -- 'It's better to say nothing than to pretend that he knows what it was'

UN scientists turn on each other: UN Scientist Declares Climategate colleagues Mann, Jones and Rahmstorf 'should be barred from the IPCC process' -- They are 'not credible any more'

Geologist 'appalled' at NYT's Krugman: 'Legitimate scientists do not doctor data...hijack peer-review...send fraudulent data to UN that is used to perpetuate greatest hoax in the history of science'

Phil Jones: 'What is most important is that CRU continues its world leading research with as little interruption and diversion as possible'

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