Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Just how far below 100 is Franken’s IQ?"

While reading through Blog Net News headlines this morning, I was drawn to Tom White's Virginia Right! headline: Al Franken Makes an Ass of Himself on Senate Floor.

In a toe-to-toe against John Thune, Mr. Franken proved the freshman that he is in the Senate only to be proven wrong by Mr. Thune. But I almost spewed my morning Diet Coke at Tom's last line: "Just how far below 100 is Franken's IQ?" Thanks for the morning laugh, Tom ... I'm still chuckling....


  1. Glad to be of service.

    Sharon uses a little baking soda for the coffee stains!

  2. Sorry. Sharon says Soda Water for Diet Coke.

    My bad.

  3. Tell Sharon thanks for the soda water tip. :) Good to see both of you at the Advance and hope to see you again soon.

  4. Good one! Thanks for my chuckle, too.
