In the dead of the night at 1:33 a.m., both Senators Jim Webb and Mark Warner voted for cloture for the Senate version of the health care bill. Now the bill must receive final passage, likely Christmas Eve, in the Senate (only a simple majority is required, so some Democrats who voted for cloture could vote against final passage and the bill will still pass) and then go to conference with the House to work out the details between the one passed there and this one.Krystle at Crystal Clear Conservative: Welcome to Socialized Medicine, America! ...
It is 1:21 a.m., and the U.S. Senate just voted in a party line vote, 60-40, to approve cloture on the manager’s amendment. All of the usual so-called Moderate Democrats voted with Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to approve cloture...Chris at Mason Conservative: The Founders are turning over in their graves ...
Especially at the thought of Sen. Harry Reid, leader of the Senate by bribery. I'm pretty sure representative government wasn't meant to mean one asshat senator from Nevada throwing tax payer money around like its his own to buy senators votes for a bill the American people, both left and right, despise. This is the hope and change all of you voted for in 2008? Tax payer money treated like graft as the mafioso in the White House and Congressional Democrat leadership throw money around one bribe after another. ... What happened to ending earmarks? What happened to having cameras in the room while legislation is discussed? What happened to Barack Obama bringing sense back to government. Bush didn't do this, you can't pin it on him Barry.Jerry at From On High: These guys have got to go ...
Democrats in Washington realize how unpopular their actions are. That's why they're doing their level best to concoct their nefarious work in secret. And without support from anyone in this country beyond the rabidly liberal left.Concrete Bob at United Conservatives (and best wishes to Bob who underwent heart surgery last month and is recuperating by keeping an eye on the shenanigans in D.C.): The Question Is: Are We the Windshield or the Butterfly? ...
In the Bella Center on the south side of Copenhagen and in the Senate chamber on the north side of the Capitol, we're seeing what happens when liberal dreams collide with American public opinion. It's like what happens when a butterfly collides with the windshield of a speeding sport utility vehicle. Splat.Riley at Virginia Virtucon: Democrats ready lump of coal for Americans' Christmas stockings ...
Why are they doing this again?Fishersville Mike: New Nebraska slogan ...
What can be said about Ben Nelson's deal to get his vote on health care reform?Yankee Phil: Going down ...
U.S. Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) boards an elevator after talking to reporters about a compromise for his vote on healthcare legislation at the U.S. Capitol in Washington December 19, 2009.It's a sad day in America because there are those who actually believe they will have "free" health insurance.
Barack Obama wants to leave a legacy of enacting nationalized health care. Instead, he's going to leave a legacy of bankrupting America by bribing, legislating in the wee hours of the morning, and forcing a vote on a bill that has not even been read! Where is the mainstream media to scream about that?
A tip of the hat to Sean for passing along this reminder:
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” - Thomas JeffersonThe American work ethic ... pull yourself up by the bootstraps, work hard, and live on what you earn ... is going down the drain.
Will we remember in November 2010? Wake up, America!
Some Christmas present! Bah humbug to all those who cause this monstrosity to become law. One way or another, God will rescue us. I just don't see how right now. I trust in Him.