Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thousands of signatures delivered to Webb: "No nationalized health care"

Petitions saying "no" to nationalized health care were delivered to Sen. Jim Webb's office in Virginia Beach Thursday afternoon.

Petitions are delivered to Sen. Webb's Danville office.

From Republican Party of Virginia...

Virginia citizens have delivered to Senator Jim Webb the names and signatures of nearly five thousand Virginia residents who have signed a Republican Party of Virginia petition expressing opposition to the monstrous federal government takeover of the health care system. The names and signatures were collected either in person or through RPV’s website (petition here) and delivered to Webb’s district offices in Virginia Beach and Danville Thursday.

The signatories requested Webb, and his fellow Senator Mark Warner, to oppose the government-run health care behemoth currently being considered by the U.S. Senate. The enormous experiment will explode the federal deficit, threaten Medicare and harmfully impact consumers and the economy. Likewise, it will raise taxes on small businesses, increase the cost of health care to consumers and limit their options and freedoms.

Webb is under particular scrutiny because he appears to be attempting to be on both sides of the health care debate simultaneously. In order to move the bill to a final consideration, Democrats need 60 Senators to agree; however, only a simple majority is needed for final approval. Webb appears positioned to vote to move the bill along (vote for cloture), but then be allowed by his party leadership to vote against it on final passage once its ultimate success is assured. This is the classic “I voted for the bill before I voted against it” strategy embarrassingly attempted by John Kerry in the past.

The Republican National Committee has captured the essence of Webb’s strategy in this online video.

The RPV petition includes the following text:
“We, the undersigned, hereby state our opposition to the nationalized health care plan currently being considered by the U.S. Senate. The governmental takeover of the health care industry would have a devastating impact on people’s ability to make choices regarding their health care coverage, their doctors and the treatments they receive. The idea would place an additional barrier between a patient and a medical caregiver and make it much more difficult to obtain even the most basic health care needs.

“At a time of high unemployment, it is irresponsible to spend such an incredible amount of money that we currently do not have. The result will be inflation, a weakened dollar and a dramatic blow to an economy that is just struggling to recover.

“Additionally, the full effects of the measure would have results that will not be felt for a number of years, in that it will discourage young people from entering the medical field and becoming doctors, nurses or other important professionals. The government plan will also be a job-killer, destroying almost 5 million jobs.

“By affixing our names to this petition, we are urging our two Virginia senators to oppose passage of the bill.”
Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins commented on the health care bill:
“Everywhere I go in Virginia, I constantly hear from people how afraid they are that the government is about to replace their health care coverage with something that’s worse and more expensive. The Democrats in Congress are about to place one-sixth of the nation’s economy under the control of the federal government. People feel their voices aren’t being heard, and this petition is just another avenue for them to try to get their elected representatives to pay attention.”
Keep up the pressure ... no socialized health care ... please call our senators and sign the petition.

Photos courtesy of Republican Party of Virginia

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