Saturday, January 02, 2010

Health Care: "Socialism creeps in while America sleeps"

Democrats on the take and in the dead of night pass an execrable piece of legislation that they haven't read, the public doesn't want and only socialists could love. What has happened to this country? -- Investor's Business Daily, 12/21/09
While most Americans were distracted with holiday preparations four days before Christmas and in the middle of the Blizzard of 2009, the Senate worked in the dead of night much as the Grinch did while looting Whoville.

While Americans struggling with smaller incomes, lost jobs, and repossessed home carefully counted out their dollars to buy Christmas gifts, what was the U.S. Senate doing? IBD wrote:
... there they were, the United States Senate, at 1 a.m. Monday, rushing to vote in the middle of a snowstorm to close debate on the most important piece of legislation of our time — the nationalization of the U.S. health care system. And we've been scrambling ever since to make sense of it.

Let's see if we have this right:

• This was a vote on a Democrat-concocted scheme that Americans have rejected every time it's been proposed for 100 years and that is opposed again, by 54% to 41% by the public at large, by 2-to-1 by practicing physicians and by every last member on the Republican side of the aisle.

• The vote was taken without any members having read the main 2,074-page bill, let alone the 383 pages of amendments that were tacked on at the last minute to buy off senators, including Nebraska's Ben Nelson, Louisiana's Mary Landrieu and Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders.

• Despite growing public opposition, Democratic members had the nerve to call those who questioned their monstrosity "obstructionists" and worse. Rhode Island's Sheldon Whitehouse called health care bill foes "birthers," "fanatics" and "people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups." Is this what Democrats meant when they said they seek bipartisan solutions to the nation's problems?

• The bill contains at last count 18 new taxes totaling an estimated $406 billion — including significant new levies on those earning less than $250,000, a major breach of Obama's pledge not to raise taxes by "one penny" on those in that income group.

A family of four that refuses to buy into a "qualifying" health insurance program will pay a "surtax" of as much as $6,750. At the same time, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that health insurance premiums will nearly double by 2016.

The U.S. Senate went on to vote in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve to pass nationalized health care. And I'm to believe there are so-called financial conservative Democrats? Sorry. Anyone who voted for this monstrosity could not possibly be financially conservative in any way, shape, or form.

The American people recognize a rat when they see it. Our battle to defeat/overturn this horrible bill has just begun even with Harry Reid's slippery unknown wording saying otherwise.

We're ready, we're steady, we're resolved. Game on!

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