Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Late seating of Brown would cause firestorm

Republican Scott Brown is making great strides in the Massachusetts special election to fill the senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy, a vote to take place a week from today. Yesterday a "money bomb" was started, hoping to raise $500,000, and it raised $1.3 million ... in one day. Polling numbers have Brown one point up ... shocking ... and now there's belief Democrat internal numbers are showing the race is tightening resulting in more Democrat dollars being poured into a seat they must keep.

It's also a seat the Republicans are hungry to have ... and from all accounts, it sounds as if the GOP has the kind of candidate citizens have been hungry to vote for.

So if an upset is pulled off in this deeply blue state, what are the Democrats proposing to do? From Michael Barone at the Washington Examiner:
But Democrats have another trick up their sleeve. The Boston Herald reports that if Brown wins Democratic Secretary of State William Galvin will delay certifying the race for 10 days or until February 20. That would let appointed Democratic Senator Paul Kirk cast a 60th vote for the Democrats’ health care bill. Galvin’s excuse seems to be that it would take time to count absentee and military ballots. But that didn’t stop him from certifying the special election victory in 2007 of Democratic Congresswoman Nikki Tsongas within two days, in time for her to cast a vote to override George W. Bush’s veto of a Democratic children’s health care bill.

Reporters should ask Galvin why it was possible to certify a Democratic winner in two days but it will take 10 days to 32 days to certify a Republican winner. What will happen if Democrats pass their health care bill by denying to seat a duly elected Republican? My prediction: Firestorm. National firestorm.
I would hope the nation would explode in a FIRESTORM if the Democrats play corrupt games like refusing to seat an elected senator as soon as possible. After all, they didn't waste any time getting Al Franken sworn in after a months-long recount in Minnesota.

Logo provided by Jim Riley

1 comment:

  1. RedState mentions that Cosmo has reprinted his centerfold.


    And no, I won't make jokes about stimulus packages......

    btw, your Jeffersoniad blog roll is not linking. Is it supposed to?

    Wanted to go visit a couple.
