Monday, January 11, 2010

Leader Reid leads double standard for Democrats

From this morning's RedState:
News broke this weekend that a forthcoming book on the 2008 election will report Harry Reid making some incendiary remarks about Barack Obama. Specifically, Harry Reid said Obama has “no Negro dialect, unless he wants to have one.”
That information has started a firestorm on the right about the continuing hypocrisy of the Democrat party ... so RS looked to the Wayback Machine of 2002 when Republican Trent Lott misstepped.

Democrats who demonized and condemned Lott included Mary Landrieu, Barbara Boxer, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Diane Feinstein, Al Gore, Jesse Jackson, and even Barack Obama himself:
Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D-13th) ... challenged the Republican Party to repudiate Lott’s remarks and to call for his resignation as senate leader.

“It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth, but, what is more difficult to forgive is the current president of the U.S. Senate (Lott) suggesting we had been better off if we had followed a segregationist path in this country after all of the battles and fights for civil rights and all the work that we still have to do,” said Obama.
Obama ended his remarks with this comment:
“The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party.”
If we took Barack Obama's words and applied them to the current Harry Reid controversy, it would read:
"The Democrat Party itself has to drive out Harry Reid. If they want to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party."
Don't hold your breath.

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