Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Liberals kicked Rush Limbaugh while he was down

Brent Bozell has a great piece today summing up the disgusting response from the lefty liberals when Rush Limbaugh was admitted to a Hawaii hospital last week with chest pains.

This group of "tolerant" people pretend to be holier-than-thou ... but in reality they should be saying, "Listen to my words ... don't look at my actions."

Reasonable liberals asked their fellow libs to behave and not make hateful comments about Mr. Limbaugh. As Mr. Bozell writes:
But too many liberals didn't because too many liberals just can't, and I don't ever want to hear another sermon from them about "civility" or "the politics of personal destruction." They are no longer allowed to talk about "hate" or pass judgment on what is "mean-spirited." I don't want to hear the words "character assassination" or even "cheap shot" leave their lips.

Unless, of course, it's preceded by "I am guilty of..."
Democrat hypocrisy once again raises its ugly head.

Rush Limbaugh, whose last day on his conservative radio talk show was December 23 before leaving for the Christmas holiday, returned to the EIB Network today. He openly and willingly discussed the health scare that landed him in a Hawaii hospital with chest pains during the New Year's holiday.

When news of Rush's hospitalization from chest pains came out, millions of prayers went up for his recovery. Follow-up tests showed no heart disease and he was able to return stateside. It is nice to have his familiar voice on the airwaves again.

Best wishes go out for Rush's continued good health.

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