Thursday, January 14, 2010

Virginia Citizens Defense League supports 2nd amendment legislation

BILLS THAT Virginia Citizens Defense League STRONGLY SUPPORTS -- 2010 Virginia General Assembly Session

HB 489, Delegate Lingamfelter, totally rewrites the concealed carry code (18.2-308) to make it easier to navigate. This bill does not change current law, just reorganizes it.

HB 490, Delegate Lingamfelter, requires the Virginia State Police to develop a plan so that concealed handgun permits can be issued for a lifetime.

HB 505, Delegate Gilbert, repeals the ban on concealed handgun permit holders carrying a concealed handgun in a restaurant. It has a caveat that the permit holder does not consume alcohol in the restaurant while carrying concealed. VCDL prefers Delegate Cole's bill HB 106,
which simply repeals the ban in its entirety.

HB 870, Delegate Cline, removes the option for localities to fingerprint first-time concealed handgun permit applicants. 75% of localities don’t fingerprint currently and this "requirement" has been unproductive and unnecessary since the advent of instant computer checks. This bill will save localities over $30 per applicant in unnecessary FBI fingerprinting fees.

HB 885, Delegate Athey, allows anyone who may lawfully possess a firearm, to carry a handgun secured in a container or compartment in a vehicle or vessel.

SB 334, Senator Hanger, repeals the ban on concealed handgun permit holders carrying a concealed handgun in a restaurant. It has a caveat that the permit holder does not consume alcohol in the restaurant while carrying concealed. VCDL prefers Delegate Cole's bill HB 106, which simply repeals the ban in its entirety.

HB 1191, Delegate Griffith, allows a court to authorize a Clerk to issue concealed handgun permits without judicial review as long as the person is not disqualified from receiving such a permit based on a background check and consulting with either the local sheriff or police department. It also allows a Circuit Court Clerk to sign a concealed handgun permit without the judge’s approval in such a case.

HB 1070, Delegate Athey, allows a person who has a concealed handgun permit to be allowed to carry a concealed handgun in any government facility being used as an emergency shelter. Events in Louisiana following hurricane Katrina and other such events have shown that people need to be able to protect themselves even in (and sometimes especially in) emergency shelters. This bill was put in for VCDL.

HB 854, Delegate Morefield, Castle Doctrine bill that protects a citizen who has to use force, including deadly force, either inside his residence or anywhere else he can legally be, from a civil
lawsuit. Because of the bill’s wording requiring “proportionate force,” which puts too much “Monday morning quarterbacking” into the equation, this bill is supported, but not strongly supported.

HB 886, Delegate Athey, “Virginia Firearms Freedom Act,” states that firearms that are made in Virginia and sold in Virginia are not subject to Federal regulation as per the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

H/T to Mike

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