Monday, March 22, 2010

AFP's Ben Marchi's statement on passage of health care bill

Richmond, Va. – Americans for Prosperity Virginia Director Ben Marchi issued the following statement after the U.S. House passed the health care takeover bill:

"Tonight, 219 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives put blind adherence to a radical government-first ideology ahead of the wishes of the American people. Now, bureaucrats and politicians will stand between patients and doctors, and our health care will be permanently politicized, subject to the whim of an out of touch political class. They have defied the American people and the Constitution they are sworn to uphold by requiring citizens to purchase healthcare plans and threatening fines for those who fail to do so.

"As a result, we urge Attorney General Ken Cuccenelli to move immediately, through options available to him, to protect the sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the rights of Virginia's citizens.

"For more than a year, Virginians have been making their voices heard on this important issue and in doing so, they have told Congress that they don't want a government takeover of healthcare. AFP-VA held more than 80 rallies and town hall meetings that brought out more than 10,000 Virginians who told Congress to get their hands off our healthcare.

"We applaud the 34 Democrats who joined with House Republicans to offer bipartisan opposition to this bill that will kill Virginia jobs and increase our national debt. Unfortunately, Virginians have every right to be angry at the Virginia congressmen who voted for this scam. Those who voted for this bill belong to a congress that has grown out of control, and out of touch with those who elected them. result, more than 320,000 Americans have already signed AFP’s November Is Coming petition, telling House members they will vote NO on them for having voted YES on this health care bill.

This fight is not over. Today we lost in Congress, but we won with the American people.”

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and scope of government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. AFP educates and engages citizens in support of restraining state and federal government growth, and returning government to its constitutional limits. AFP has more than 1 million members, including members in all 50 states, and 30 state chapters and affiliates. More than 60,000 Americans in all 50 states have made a financial investment in AFP or AFP Foundation.

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