Friday, March 19, 2010

Obama's rope-a-dope interview on Fox News

If anyone caught the Fox News interview with Barack Obama, you saw what Charles Krauthammer called a case of rope-a-dope evasion on health care. Stammering, evading, hesitating, plowing forward while not answering questions, Obama tried to bluff Fox News anchor Bret Baier ... to no avail.

The plain truth was right there on the screen ... there was no getting around it. Barack Obama didn't have answers. He was playing politics. He was filibustering.

It was sad, pathetic, and alarming all in one. Here was the "leader" of the United States and it was obvious he was not the least bit interested in listening to the majority of the American people about something as important as nationalized (socialized?) health care and the fact that the majority do not want government health care.

Absolutely amazing.

Question: Where are the mainstream media? Why aren't they doing their jobs? Are they all pushing for American to become a socialist nation?

Blame for what is going on in America falls equally on the MSM who are compliant with all of this. Do they not have a conscience?

David Limbaugh thanked Bret Baier for the interview and wrote:
I pray that President Barack Obama's interview with Fox News' Bret Baier is replayed repeatedly on Fox News Channel and circulated widely on the Internet for all to see. The more who watch it the more people will realize just how drastically the unscripted Obama varies from his projected image as God's gift to bipartisanship, compromise, congeniality and democracy.

What came across most glaringly was that there is little he wouldn't do to force Obamacare on us, from lying to evading to concealing to abusing the legislative process to violating the Constitution to dividing the nation. Consider some highlights.
He then begins to list all the inconsistencies of a hypocritical Obama who dodged questions:
Instead of answering the question, Obama mouthed his tired talking points about his plan, most of which were just outright propaganda.

Read more here.

On Saturday Americans are preparing to march on Washington in hopes that Democrats will listen to them.

Check out information for the bus going from the SWAC area.

If you can't make the trip, be sure to call the four Virginia Democrat congressmen and ask that they vote "no" on the health care bill that may come up for a vote on Sunday. We will all be tuned to news outlets that day to follow events. If health care passes, we may be in for a stormy time in American history.

Congressman Tom Perriello – (202) 225-4711
Congressman Rick Boucher – (202) 225-3861
Congressman Glenn Nye – (202) 225-4215
Congressman Gerry Connolly – (202) 225-1492

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