Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Read the Bill!" marathon ... 24 hours reading out loud and still going

It has now been 24 hours since volunteers began their "Read the Bill" marathon and it is still going.

Streaming live at the Republican Party of Virginia's website, volunteers made it through the first 1,000 pages a little before 8:00 this morning and are on pace to finish up sometime Friday afternoon or evening. Listen in at

Who is reading the bill out loud while thousands listen in? Business people, physicians, homemakers, factory workers, grassroots volunteers, Party leaders, elected officials ... people from all walks of life who are concerned about an overreaching government expanding into every aspect of their lives.

A new unfunded mandate that will cost Virginia hundreds of millions of dollars has caused the state to stand up to the federal government because, for the first time in history, everyone will be taxed on simply being alive.

In the process, Democrat congressional members have been talked into voting "yes" with bribes totaling hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

Democrats may be willing to lose the 2010 and maybe 2012 elections in hopes that those who benefit from these new government programs will fall in line and vote Democrat in the future, much as Roosevelt did for the Democrats in the 1930s and '40s. But are they gauging this correctly?

This time around it may not go as they expect or hope. Americans are up in arms over this huge intrusion into their lives and have been more vocal that at anytime in my memory. With a cost of $1 trillion for the health care, America is about to go bankrupt. Will Americans revolt?

Please contact these Virginia Democrat congressmen and ask them to vote NO:
Congressman Tom Perriello - (202) 225-4711
Congressman Gerry Connolly - (202) 225-1492
Congressman Glenn Nye - (202) 225-4215
Congressman Rick Boucher - (202) 225-3861

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