Friday, March 05, 2010

Trixie Averill for 6th District Chairwoman

Dear GOP Friends, Compatriots, and Colleagues,

It is with great excitement and humility that I announce to you that I am a candidate for Chairman of the 6th District Republican Committee.

I did not initially intend to seek out this position, but after receiving numerous emails and phone calls of prodding, encouragement, and support, I gave it very serious consideration and decided to say yes. I am generally more comfortable working hard in the background for the good of the party and for our Republican candidates, but our unique circumstances in the 6th District require leadership that can unite us.

For more than the last two decades I’ve held numerous party positions and volunteered on every race since 1980 and each has taught me something new. I even ran as a candidate for the House of Delegates way back in ’95 and received 47% of the vote. It was an honor to carry our banner, even though it didn’t work out for us that year, but it took a lot of courage to get out there and do it.

I have traveled all of the Western part of the state since 1993 representing statewide candidates and spent countless hours attending and organizing meetings, fundraisers, rallies, parades, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and untold numbers of barbeques!

I have made phone calls, lists, distributed materials, worked Headquarters, sent thousands of emails, poked, prodded, and pushed candidates and volunteers alike to work harder to win the race.

I’ve been a member of the 6th District Committee and the State Central Committee since 1992, and currently serve as the Western Vice-Chairwoman. You know me; I am part of the grassroots. You also know that I am conservative with a capital C. My traditional conservative values are widely known and have never changed.

I’ve had the incredible honor of representing some of the finest conservative statewide candidates Virginia has seen over the last two decades, including George Allen, Jim Gilmore, Mark Earley, Jerry Kilgore, Bob McDonnell, and Bill Bolling – sometimes wearing hats for two at a time! I have learned things from each of them, and have maintained great relationships with them to this day. I am a team player and am proud to have played a role in delivering the Western part of the state for them.

Now, after 16 years of traveling the West, I’d like to focus right here in my home district. The political landscape has changed and we can no longer assume that the 6th will go red, just because it always has. I do believe that we can still win and win big, but we have to buckle down, work together, and stay focused on the goal.

There is still much work to be done, more elections to win, and our liberties to be protected. I would be honored to have your support at the 6th District Convention in Lynchburg May 22, and hope that together we can continue to build on our successes, grow our Party, and work to elect more rock-solid conservative candidates to represent us at all levels of government. Will you join me?

Trixie Averill

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