Monday, March 08, 2010

Trixie Averill's vision for 6th District Chairman

Trixie Averill speaks to group in Shenandoah County.

Trixie Averill is running for 6th District Chairman after 20 years of working for the Republican Party and its conservative candidates. Not only has she put her money where her mouth is over the years ... here is her vision for the District.

I believe that the mission of the 6th District Republican Committee is to elect Republican candidates at every level of local, state, and national government. The opportunity to choose the right candidate happens during the nominating process when all interested parties share their thoughts and ideas and plans for how they would govern in the office they are seeking. Therein lies the contest. But once our nominees are set, it is incumbent upon members of the GOP to support and help our candidates so that we can win against the liberals whom the Democrats continue to offer.

As the 6th District Chair I would work to fulfill the following ideas as I believe that they would be instrumental in helping us to spread the conservative message, influence voters, and win our elections.

ADVOCACY COMMITTEE (or, Paul Revere's Riders)
This committee would be in charge of writing and sending out both letters to the editor and op-ed pieces year round, and posting on blogs. Before we actually have candidates announced, we should be working towards weakening the Democrat opposition by shedding light on liberal votes that go against our values. These should be focused on conservative issues and key votes by opposing Democrat incumbents long before we have settled on our own candidate. I regard this as a public service to the people to call attention to how their Democrat incumbent lawmakers are voting so that we can render them vulnerable long before the campaigns start.

I will appoint a designated Parliamentarian (and a backup) to attend every 6th District meeting. This will go a long way towards smooth meetings so that the business of the Committee can be accomplished in a timely and cohesive manner.

There is always a need for more training, for party leaders, officers, and candidates. I will work with unit chairs and party leaders to make sure that every unit is performing in sync with the Party Plan and that the chairs are kept apprised of any changes or updates along the way. Additionally, I believe that any potential candidates who are considering a run for local office should have the opportunity to sit down and get some real-life lessons and advice from the electeds throughout the district. Running for office is a very intensive and time-consuming occupation and with more training up front I believe that our candidates would be better prepared and would come out ahead in the contest.

We have been talking about and attempting to put a website online for several years now and from what I can tell it has only been functioning sporadically at best. I'm not even sure if the address is known to any but the people who worked on it. We need constant and reliable communication between the Committee, the Party, and the voters who might be trying to seek us out to get involved. I will pledge to get a website up and running as the top number one priority on my "to do" list. There are no more excuses not to be a part of the cyber-world.

If one thing is clear to me it is that we need new blood among our ranks. Experience is necessary and wonderful but we also need to mix in bold energy and enthusiasm for a new recipe for success.

There is no doubt that our nation is currently being led down the wrong course in Washington D.C. by the wrong people. But there is also no doubt in my mind that we will survive because of the new sleeping giant "We the People" that has awakened to save us from socialism. And we need those people with us. We share the same conservative values, core beliefs, and respect for the country that our forefathers fought for and that they shed their blood for so that today we can still draw in Liberty with every breath we take.

I want to put out the welcome mat to the Tea Partiers who agree with our Virginia Republican Creed, and who recognize that the Republican Party is the best organized hope to take our country back. If they join us, we will each learn something from the other, and together we will be far stronger to stop the current downward spiral. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our party and anyone who is willing to help us nominate and elect the right Republican leaders are more than welcome.

We need to focus our efforts on our top priority of winning elections, not fighting each other. I would like to work with all the diverse personalities and bring us together to do our job. We can have differing points of view on some things, but I believe that the ideas we agree on are far more important and far more plentiful. I believe that we are mostly all conservatives, but one person's priority may not be another's. We don't have to be in lockstep to accomplish great things. Feuds that started years ago have no place on today's agenda. When disagreements arise I will work to bring all sides together, ensure that all viewpoints are heard, and work to resolve the conflict swiftly so we can move on to winning elections.

As a Sixth District GOP voter, you can rest assured that I will work diligently and faithfully to implement this platform for action. In addition, I will work in a spirit of unity with everyone on the Sixth District Republican Committee to achieve the primary goal for which we were originally formed: electing strong Virginia Republicans to office.

If you like this and if you would like to join my campaign for 6th District Chair I would be delighted to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me at I look forward to the discussions ahead.
Please also visit my Fan Page on Facebook and sign up ... and thank you for all YOU do for our party!

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