[Bus for SWAC area residents going to DC ... info below]
What: CODE RED Health Care Rally to … Kill The Bill!
When: March 16, 2010 at 10 a.m. ET
Where: Capitol Hill, Taft Park, Washington D.C.
Speakers Include:
•Congressman Mike Pence
•Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
•Congressman Tom Price
•Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn
•Congressman Joe Wilson
•Congressman Phil Gingrey
•Amy Kremer of Tea Party Express
•Tim Phillips of American for Prosperity
•Jim Martin of 60 Plus
•Matt Patterson of the National Center for Policy Analysis
Be there, we need you, your Country needs you and you don't want to have to tell your kids and grandkids that you were standing idly by, when their freedom was lost and their futures mortgaged beyond hope!!
After the Rally we are all going inside the House Office Buildings to speak to our Congressmen and ask them to "KILL the BILL"!
SWAC Area car pool/bus information:
The bus is leaving from Charlottesville so SWAC area residents plan to meet at Staunton Wal-Mart and carpool to the bus pickup location. Let us know if you would like to join us.
Leaving Staunton by 5:45 am to meet the bus.
Bus Information:
CODE RED Bus Departs for DC on Tuesday, March 16- at 6:45 AM from 312 Connor Dr.. Charlottesville, at the new Target on Rt. 29 North. Target is on west side of Rt. 29 about 5 minutes north of Sam's Club.
Bus cost is $25.00. Please bring cash.
Let's visit Congressional offices. Make a difference! Join others in an effort to shut down unconstitutional government take over of healthcare.
Bring cameras and take videos ... the press may be there and we need to record this. Signs are great but won't be allowed in the buildings unless rolled up or put in purse.
The bus will also stop in Madison, Culpepper, and Warrenton if you know anyone from those areas that might want to go. Last push to stop Government Healthcare! Everyone possible needed to go along. This is critical!
Return trip:
Bus leaves DC Capitol at 3:30 pm with a return to Charlottesville Target Parking lot by around 6:30 pm.
Be sure to sign up ASAP. RSVP: Sue Ward or Lyn Bing
Oh, how I would love to go. I have a Bible study commitment that I must honor. I hope that I am free for the next rally, protest, march or what ever comes next. BTW, besides the Conservative breakfasts, what can I be doing to help. As you know I do work, but am compelled to help however I can. Feel free to send me an email. I need to get involved. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteJoy, I have something for you to do but will email with information. Thanks for all your encouragement.