Monday, March 01, 2010

WaPo: Admits they were wrong on Rep. Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor read the entire 2,400 health care bill

Tom White at Virginia Right nails it:
The fact that the Washington Post got something wrong concerning Eric Cantor (R-Va) is not news. It is not shocking at all, in fact. What is both shocking and newsworthy is that they admitted they got something wrong about a Republican. [emphasis added]
After last week's so-called health care summit where Republican Congressional Whip Eric Cantor spoke from behind the 2,400 pages of the health care bill, the Washington Post claimed in their February 26 editorial that it was a "tactic" and "posturing" by Rep. Cantor to have the huge stack of pages in front of him.

As Tom wrote:
The fact is, Congressman Cantor had actually read the bill, unlike the President. He took the time to tab and notate the entire bill to easily access any objectionable portions sure to come up during the meeting. And perhaps portions where there was agreement.

That is called preparation and is why Cantor is a leader. Cantor came to discuss the bill and was well prepared and the President did not like this.
In the Washington Post's February 27 editorial, they admitted they "should not have characterized his purpose" as they did.

Score one for Eric Cantor over the WaPo, and score another for him for his preparedness at the health care summit. And score yet another for his leadership.


  1. It was nice of them to admit the truth.

    Hopefully Eric will speak more about this at the breakfast Friday.

    Over 1100 attending.

  2. That's an outstanding attendance! Glad to be a part of it....
