Thursday, March 18, 2010

Will health care "reform" lead to less health care?

It seems ironic, doesn't it? Congress, made up of mostly anything other than health care professionals, is deciding on the best path of health care "reform" without listening to the very doctors and nurses who could give them a clue that this thing is not going to work.

The entire process is insane. Polls show 76% of Americans do not want ObamaCare because they like their private insurance.

Bad news for Democrats is that the majority of Republicans and Independents are against nationalized health care, a fact that has been consistently reflected in the polls for months. Rasmussen reported:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have been pushing strongly for passage of the health care plan in spite of public opposition, and they’ve now reached or matched their highest unfavorability ratings in a year. Reid continues to trail his three leading Republican challengers in his bid for reelection this November in Nevada.
Alarming news is the number of doctors opposed to health care. Have Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid stopped to consult with these men and women of medicine who actually know what they are talking about, as opposed to the talking heads in Congress?

Investor's Business Daily was stunned at the results of a poll they conducted with physicians. In today's editorial they wrote:
We were harshly criticized last September for an IBD/TIPP Poll that showed 45% of doctors would consider leaving medicine if a health care takeover passed. A new poll has vindicated our findings.

Our questionnaire went out Aug. 28 to some 25,600 doctors nationwide. Of that substantial sample, we got 1,476 responses. One hundred of those were retired, leaving 1,376.

At the time, virtually no one had stopped to ask doctors how they felt about the medical takeover being discussed in Congress. We thought it was vital to ask them, since any overhaul would rise or fall on its implementation by doctors themselves.

To say we were stunned with the results is an understatement.

Of the physicians queried, 45% said they'd consider closing their practice or retiring early if the overhaul then being considered were enacted. Also, 65% said they opposed the government's attempts at taking over the health care system.
After crunching the numbers, IBD realized the damage ObamaCare would do to the Ameican health care system:
What we found was that of the 800,000 physicians practicing in the U.S. in 2006, as many as 360,000 might leave the profession. So with the proposed overhaul, we'd be trying to cover 31 million more patients with up to 45% fewer doctors.

Impossible. It can't be done.
DJ McGuire at Right Wing Liberal has more about the impact of ObamaCare on medical professionals.

Bottom line: It's a train wreck waiting to happen. For Democrats, it has nothing to do with health care and everything to do with power. Isn't that what Obama promised to do away with when he campaigned for President?

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