Thursday, April 15, 2010

Illegal immigration and the southern border

Immigration problems are probably best illustrated by the southern border of the United States where lawlessness prevails in many places. Last week an American rancher and his dog were shot and killed by an illegal, further illustrating the increasing danger to Americans.

Roger Hedgecock has written an in-depth article for Human Events about the very troubling issues concerning illegals crossing the border:
Rancher Rob Krentz spent his life working on his 35,000-acre cattle ranch by the border with Mexico in Cochise County, Ariz. His family had owned the ranch since 1907.

He died there last weekend, he and his dog shot by an illegal alien that he was trying to help.
Even the volunteer Minutemen organization has disbanded:
The Minutemen, organized as a "neighborhood watch" on the border five years ago, recently disbanded citing increased violence from the smugglers. Incursions into the U.S. by what appears to be Mexican Army personnel protecting drug smugglers have become frequent.
Mr. Hedgecock writes, "The smugglers are bold and well armed. They steal vehicles, invade ranch houses, trash the countryside, set fires, and bring all manner of contraband into the U.S."

How are states along the border responding?
After the murder of Rob Krentz, Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer this week called on the President to heed her call (and that of the governors of New Mexico, California, and Texas) to place National Guard troops on the border to restore order. Arizonans were quick to point out that the governor could call out the Arizona Guard herself. What’s she waiting for?

Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry faced similar calls for action when U.S. consular employees were gunned down two weeks ago in the streets of Juarez, Mexico, across the bridge from El Paso, Texas. What’s he waiting for?

Democratic Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico is not waiting for Obama. He’s ordered state law enforcement to the Mexico-New Mexico border

Amnesty champion Arizona Sen. John McCain, facing a formidable challenge in the Republican primary from former congressman and border security advocate J.D. Hayworth, also called on President Obama to call out the National Guard and control the border.

Is all this outrage from politicians just more of the same blather we hear everytime some outrage occurs along the border? Or will Rob Krentz’ murder finally spark the public firestorm that will bring security to our border with Mexico.
This would appear to be a national problem, not just an issue to be faced by the border states. Our national safety is in question. The rancher who was killed had described 11 years earlier how he had found Muslim prayer rugs and a Koran on his property ... a mere two short years before the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Read the entire article here. It reveals just the tip of the iceberg.

Cross-posted at Virginia Virtucon

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