Thursday, April 15, 2010

Money bomb today for The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation, America's leading conservative policy organization, is planning a Tax Day Money Bomb for today. Supported by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others, this organization has provided research necessary for Americans to educate themselves at a time when our country is going in the wrong direction. Following is a letter from Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D., President of The Heritage Foundation.
Dear Fellow Conservative,

The day after the House voted to pass Obamacare, the New York Times declared “a triumph.” A few days later, President Obama told Iowa liberals that Obamacare is a “victory” and said the left had prevailed “after a century of trying.”

But the left has not won. The battle is not over. We conservatives need to send a message to Washington: enough is enough! Stop spending and taxing!

That’s why The Heritage Foundation, America's leading conservative policy organization, is planning a Tax Day Money Bomb for today, Tax Day.

We will send Washington a firm message from conservatives like you that our principles cannot, and must not, be surrendered.

Our goal is to raise $150,000 by midnight tonight, April 15, to let Washington know that conservatives will not be silenced -- especially if we are expected to help foot the bill for the Left’s out-of-control spending spree.

How can a policy that buries the nation further into debt, strengthens the federal government, burdens American families with new taxes, and undermines the very essence of our national character be labeled anything other than a dismal failure? It cannot. Obamacare fails the American people.

And it won’t end with health care. The Left will use this so-called “victory” as an engine to plow through their progressive agenda. Their “victory” lap will likely include costly cap-and-tax energy schemes, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and other big government proposals that all spell one thing for each American--more money out of your pocket.

But we can stop them if we stand for our principles. Donate to the Tax Day Money Bomb today.

As your conservative voice in Washington, The Heritage Foundation is fighting to:

1) Replace Obamacare with real reforms that reduce costs and put individuals, not bureaucrats, in charge of health care decisions;

2) Cut and simplify taxes to make them flatter and fairer;

3) Rein in federal spending; and

4) Return the federal government to the limits the Founders laid out in the Constitution.

We will do this by briefing lawmakers and the media on the principled solutions to today’s problems. We will educate candidates for office from both parties about the right solutions. We will provide sharp, relevant, ammunition to our allies in Washington and around the country on issues like health care, taxes, energy, national security and more.

If we don’t act now, federal spending will continue to increase. Taxes will continue to rise. In the past five years, federal spending per household has increased $10,000. That means taxpayers like you pay an additional $10,000 to fund big government.

Your contribution today will help us send a message to President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and other liberals that we conservatives will not stand for their agenda.

During President Obama’s campaign, he made a promise to the American people: “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.” In fact, he promised to cut taxes for the middle class.

But how can he honor these promises while enacting the biggest expansion of government in four decades? He cannot. That’s because all this spending is paid for in the end by taxpayers like you and me.

Thomas Jefferson once said: “Excessive taxation will carry reason and reflection to every man’s door, and particularly in the hour of election.”

He was right. We have less than seven months until Americans go to the polls. That means lawmakers and candidates on both sides of the aisle are paying attention to policy more than ever -- which is why The Heritage Foundation is working tirelessly to make sure they have the facts.

But to get their attention and fund our work, we need your support today, April 15. Will you donate today to the Tax Day Money Bomb, to send a message to Congress that enough is enough when it comes to taxes and spending?

Thank you for your dedication to the principles that make this nation great. With your help, we can achieve our mission of building a society where freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish.


Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D.
The Heritage Foundation

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