This letter is reprinted with permission of the author. See Senator Webb's comments here.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Senator Webb,
I read a news story that indicated that you are having second thoughts about the cost of the Health Care bill after you were the deciding 60th vote that imposed this outrageous and unconstitutional bill on your constituents. Maybe it would have been better to express these doubts before you cast your “yea” vote in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. I know that you received thousands of calls and e-mails from Virginians who pleaded with you to oppose this bill. Now you expect us to believe that you have doubts about your vote. I can guarantee you that your concerns fall on deaf ears, just as our pleas were ignored by you.
If you believe that we will forget in 2012 what you did in 2009 you are sadly mistaken. We will work tirelessly to do whatever it takes to insure that you never have another opportunity to ignore us again. Nothing you can say or do will put out this fire, millions of Virginians will oppose your re-election and you WILL be defeated. You wanted us to believe that you were a different type of politician but you proved with this vote that you do not represent the people you only represent your party. You should have listened to Virginians; it is too late now. Save your crocodile tears for your memoirs. Maybe a few people who read them will believe you.
You have switched parties twice before and now you want to switch your vote on this bill. Just where do you stand on anything? I have the utmost respect for your military service, but I have absolutely zero respect for you as a Senator. Hopefully after November you will be in the minority and can no longer have the deciding vote on legislation that is this absurd. You have proven with this vote that you are unfit to represent the people of Virginia.
Lawrence Tillett
Waynesboro, Va.
Webb ranks right up there with Flip Flop John Ketchup Kerry. I agree entirely with everything Mr. Tillet has written. Thanks for the posting.