Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blogosphere links ... lots of good reads

I don't know if there's just more out there to read, or if I've been sluffing off and now trying to play catch-up, but there seems to be a lot of excellent posts not only in the Virginia blogosphere but by Virginians in other venues as well as other bloggers out there.

Congrats to all the Righty bloggers whose rankings can be found at Yankee Phil's site where he was #2 and Fishersville Mike was #5. Bob at The Journey has the latest issue of THYME Magazine: Journalism With a Better Flavor, with the title story, "Why Being POTUS Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry (Except for America)."

Tom White has branched outside the Virginia blogosphere this week with an article published in the American Thinker. And don't forget his daily News Hound, that regal beagle who continues to hunt for stories around the blogosphere.

Riley posts over at Virginia Virtucon about Jay O'Brien dropping out of the state senate race.

Krystle wants to know whatever happened to the U.S. budget over at Crystal Clear Conservative. She reminds that other issues have taken over our attention but, meanwhile, the budget is still not set. Check out the video.

Out in California, Donald Douglas at American Power blog traveled to Arizona over the weekend to see for himself what the anti-immigration protests were about since he didn't trust the mainstream media to accurately report on the situation. Indeed, what he saw and experienced was much worse than the MSM reports that sounded as if a family picnic had taken place. Donald wrote about immigrants and socialists marching against SB 1070 in Phoenix and said:
This is why I covered it. Reading the morning newspapers on yesterday's illegal immigrant march in Phoenix, you'd think it was just a nice outing for families to stand up against Arizona's SB 1070. But this was no weekend picnic. The event was more about revolution and reconquista than about "immigration reform." The Arizona Republic, CNN, and the New York Times all publised blasé reports, riddled with inaccuracies and omissions. And check the screencap at yesterday's Los Angeles Times below. It's hard to find a better image that captures the media's pro-illegal immigration reporting: "A girl waits to join the march through downtown Phoenix." See how seemingly normal things appear. The editorial choices made by MSM functionaries are staggering sometimes.
He has lots of photos so you can see with your own two eyes what took place. Be sure to check back later today or tomorrow for photos of the pro-immigration rally that took place Saturday evening.

Speaking of a hypocritical media, Brian Kirwin posts at Bearing Drift about President Barack Obama's Memorial Day getaway complete with a song to commemorate the occasion. Imagine if George W. Bush had scampered out of DC to vacation at the ranch on Memorial Day and during the worst of Katrina. The howls of protest would still be heard....

While we're talking about the oil spill, No Sheeples Here has all the low-down on James Carville, Maureen Dowd, and Chris Matthews as it dawns on them that their Emperor has no clothes. Ms. Dowd pointedly wrote in the New York Times:
Too often it feels as though Barry is watching from a balcony, reluctant to enter the fray until the clamor of the crowd forces him to come down. The pattern is perverse. The man whose presidency is rooted in his ability to inspire withholds that inspiration when it is most needed.

For five weeks, it looked as though Obama considered the gushing that became the worst oil spill in U.S. history a distraction, like a fire alarm going off in the middle of a law seminar he was teaching. He’ll deal with it, but he’s annoyed because it’s not on his syllabus.
Wow. That is stunning considering the source.

The Saturday funeral of Spc. Joshua Tomlinson in Shreveport, Louisiana, was a sad reminder of why we pause on Memorial Day to honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Pat Austin at the blog ... and so it goes in Shreveport asked readers to pause for a moment of silence at 2:00 Saturday as the funeral began.

No Sheeples Here posts The Final Salute. Have a Kleenex handy.

There will be many Memorial Day posts Monday. We remember ... we will not forget.

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