Wednesday, May 19, 2010

China kills babies ... and Posner apologizes to China because we enforce our immigration laws??

Rush Limbaugh pointed out on his Monday radio show that the Obama administration apologized to China for human rights violations in America. Rush, paraphrasing the Chinese, said:
... "Look, you guys have a high crime rate, you have too much poverty. Don't lecture us on human rights, America! Don't lecture us. Look at you. You got a crime rate that's burgeoning, you got homelessness, you got poverty, and you got racial discrimination. So don't tell us. Don't lecture us about human rights." This guy Posner, on his own, brought up the Arizona immigration law and agreed with the ChiComs that it is a problem!
When Obama apologizes for this country around the world, it is a surprise that one of his peons would do the same thing? China has not apologized to us for anything. Nobody apologizes to us. We're out there apologizing to them. It's truly outrageous. The ChiComs shoot people dead who try to cross their border. Who in the world are we kidding here? We, from the responsible sectors of the media, have been attempting to warn the people of this country who it is that make up this regime and what their ideology is and what their attitudes about this country are.
Most are familiar with China's communist government and its lack of concern for human rights or what the rest of the world thinks of it.

Pundit and Pundette have another horror story from China about an aborted baby, thought dead, heard crying while waiting to be cremated:
An aborted baby declared dead by doctors in south China's Guangdong Province cried before he was due to be cremated, but died hours later as doctors refused to treat him.
Read the entire post ... you will be truly disgusted, saddened, and shocked at what is considered "normal" in China.

Tell me again about the "human rights" violations as we try to enforce our immigration laws....

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