Friday, May 28, 2010

Recap: 900 hear David Barton in Harrisonburg

The journey used to be a handful of people trying to chip away at the Wall of Government. With the help of Barack Obama and the Democrats, America is awakening to a need to stand up, be heard, and make a difference. Republicans, conservative Democrats, Independents, Tea Party, Constitution, Ron Paul, and other conservatives have risen up against more and more government spending and overreaching to say, "No more!"

David Barton has been one of those voices for years educating Americans on our Christian heritage through Wallbuilders, speaking at home school conventions and church conventions and gatherings throughout the country. In addition, he has been called on for his Ameican history experience including the current Texas textbook case where he served on the committee that decided the historical content. His presence has grown more since he began appearing on Glenn Beck's Friday television program on Fox News, helping to educate America about the founders and their purpose for this country.

His presence in the Shenandoah Valley earlier this week was nothing short of spectaculator. Over 900 heard his message at a sold-out dinner, at a mid-day lunch, and at a pastors meeting. His knowledge of American history is stunning.

Dean Welty, Director of the Valley Family Forum, sent out the following update about the dinner. Great evening, great fellowship, great friendships. A tip of our hats to Dean and Janet for their leadership.
David Barton held more than 900 guests spellbound at the Forum’s 9th annual Shenandoah Valley “Salute to the Family” last Monday with a strong case for Biblical principles and the faith of our Founding Fathers as primary influences on the shaping of American government. He concluded that America was and still is a Christian nation -- and perhaps even in the early stages of a Third Great Awakening. Laus Deo!

A Celebration of Our Christian Heritage
The theme for this year’s Salute was “A Celebration of Our Christian Heritage”, and Barton drew from over 100,000 original documents at WallBuilders to present evidence at three different events that America was established on Judeo-Christian principles by strong Christian leaders. (For details about David Barton, go to

The Lunch
With the dinner already SOLD OUT, 320 luncheon guests heard Barton describe the “Keys to Good Government – According to the Founding Fathers”. His central message was that “the key to good government is found in the quality of the people who rule (and) that … this nation can be blessed only in so far as we place God-fearing and moral individuals into office.”

The Pastors’ Roundtable
More than 70 pastors and ministry leaders later packed the Allegheny Room for Barton’s presentation on “The Role of Pastors and Christians in Civil Government”. He described the role of the revolutionary era church in training civic leaders and influencing public policy as a model for Christians to once again become salt and light in every arena of society – including the public square. He also cited recent victories in the Texas school board battles to restore truth to school history books as a great example for this model.

The Dinner
Barton ended the day in a packed ballroom with nearly 550 guests to make the case that America was founded as a Christian nation – and remains so yet today. He drew from a range of quotes by the Founding Fathers and in founding documents, all of which demonstrate that America was established on a firm foundation of Biblical principles and Christian beliefs.

The Wilberforce Award
The Forum was especially pleased to present its very first Wilberforce award to Rita Dunaway for her leadership in regulating sexually oriented businesses (SOB’s) in Harrisonburg, in protecting religious freedoms in the workplace for people like Luis Padilla, and in formulating new pro-life legislation for the Virginia General Assembly.

Supporting Cast
“Gen. George Washington”, rebel fifer Greg Hernandez, the Galloway Music Family, pianist Miriam Clark, and The Faithful Men all set a new standard of excellence for an enjoyable evening that included many pastors, legislators, remarks from President Victoria Cobb of The Family Foundation, and delightful program leadership from WHSV-TV’s Kay Norred and Dr. John Sloop, pastor of the First Presbyterian church on Court Square in Harrisonburg.

In God We Trust
At each main event, we encouraged guests to apply for the new “In God We Trust” license plate that will be considered by the General Assembly next year – if we can get the needed 350 completed applications on file before that time. If you have not yet applied, you can download the form at and send it to the address shown.

Thank You! At the end of the day, however, the success of the Celebration came down to over 900 people who have a passion for God and Country, and who want to help America return to the firm foundation of “religion and morality” on which this nation has prospered for 400 years. We are deeply grateful for your participation, for your prayers, and for your generous support.
The conservative movement continues to gather steam....

Dean has had Ed Meese, Roy Moore, and others for his dinner speakers. Who in the world will he find next year? After David Barton, they will have big shoes to fill!

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