Saturday, June 05, 2010

Newborn fawn

After Thursday's line of thunderstorms with high winds and hail, SWAC Husband was picking up tree limbs and mowing in the woods today when he came upon this tiny newborn fawn curled up in tall grass at the base of a tree.

It was the smallest fawn I had ever seen, probably only hours old, and was practically invisible in the tall grass and weeds.

Yep ... that's him or her -- the little brown spot. Hard to see. I'm sure Mama Deer was nearby. We didn't get close ... I used my 15x zoom lens to get close-ups.

Looking from the back of the house down the yard toward the woods where the fawn was located. It was completely helpless, a perfect snack for the coyotes and black bears that roam these parts.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
4 June 2010

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