Thursday, July 01, 2010

Mayhem in Canada ... time to shut down mindless violence?

By now just about everyone has seen video coverage of the mindless violence and destruction that took place in Toronto, Canada, last week during the G8 and G20 Summits.

With more than $1 million in damages to the city, it took the work of 20,000 police officers to stand up to the wandering bands of anarchists whose intention was to destroy and cause mayhem. A billion dollars in security costs could not totally protect Toronto.

How crazy is that? To protest leadership in the western world, black-clad vandals who believe government is unnecessary and a threat, took matters into their own hands by setting police cruisers on fire, hurling bricks through plate glass windows, and spraying bleach and wielding bats at police officers. In the process, they put innocent lives in danger by trashing and destroying parts of downtown Toronto.

Over 900 demonstrators were arrested. What did they accomplish by causing so much damage?

This has occurred around the world for years. Every time the G-Summit leaders assemble, anarchists show up and cause untold destruction and damage.

Isn't it about time for this nonsense to stop? Isn't there somewhere the world leaders could meet that would prohibit this type of behavior? Someone suggested the meetings could be held on a battleship in the middle of the ocean or on a military base, both with limited access which would provide security and less opportunity for the distraction of hooligans.

Meanwhile, how does the world deal with such lawlessness? The G20 leaders have returned to their home countries. The anarchists have left to search out a new target. Canada is left to clean up the mess and sort out the wisdom of hosting such an event on their soil:
In the aftermath, many are asking how a country that has a universal reputation as the nice guys, whose lexicon is filled with pleases and thank yous, who don't start the wars but support the troops, could have erupted in such violence and chaos.

As the city cleans up the mess, many are wondering how the assailants were able to run reckless given the security measures and expenditure.
What did the violence accomplish? How was the answer to world problems found in donning black and running wild in the streets like a kindergartner run amok? Which city will be the next victim of this craziness?

Cross-posted at The Washington Examiner

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