Friday, July 09, 2010

Saturday: Primitive Technology Day at Frontier Culture Museum

I received an invitation from one of the home school grads asking me to attend Saturday's Primitive Technology Day at Staunton's Frontier Culture Museum. She has done some archaeology work, something that will be explored but, unfortunately, I have to be at an RPV event in Roanoke. However, it sounded like an interesting event for those who are available to attend between 9 am - 5 pm.

Primitive Technology Day is an all-day event with lots of activities for the entire family. Bring your Indian artifacts for identification by members of the Archeological Society of Virginia. (The ASV requested that this activity be limited to "local artifacts " only and from 9 am to noon.)

Use a bow drill to start a fire, take up a stone ax and see how quickly small trees are cut down,
use a primitive hand drill to make a pendent, watch Indian pottery made from local materials,
learn to throw an atlatl on a supervised range at the saber tooth tiger, see how early cultures made the bow and arrow.

See natural plant fibers made into cordage, watch as the flint knapper turns raw stone into the tools of every day survival, learn how bowls were made of soap stone and sharp edges were applied to stone axes, take a nature walk and learn about the trees and shrubs at the FCM, watch as food is prepared using the tools and techniques of primitive technology.

It's a great time to relax and hear about the archeology of the Shenandoah Valley. The weather should be cooler on Saturday with a high in the 80s.

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