Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Remember ... Democrats are the tolerant Party

NH Democratic candidate wishes Sarah Palin & Levi Johnston on Alaska airplane that crashed, killing Ted Stevens

The Daily Caller has the scoop:
A New Hampshire candidate for the state house is taking heat from the state Republican Party after he wrote on a Facebook thread that he wishes former Alaska governor Sarah Palin and the father of her grandson were in the plane crash that killed former Sen. Ted Stevens in Alaska on Monday.

“Just wish Sarah and Levy (sic) were on board,” wrote Keith Halloran, a Democratic candidate for Cheshire County House District 7, referencing Palin and Levi Johnston, the on-again, off-again boyfriend of her daughter.

Stevens and four others died in the crash after the plane headed to a fishing trip slammed into the side of a mountain in Alaska.

The comment from Halloran was in response to a post on Facebook from Republican state Rep. DJ Bettencourt about Steven’s death, who said, “I find it truly sad and sickening that some folks can’t find a way to be positive or at least keep quiet about someone when they pass away.”
And so it goes....

Update: The New Hampshire Democratic Party has condemned the statement.