Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Conservative activist Suzanne Curran keeps on going

It was mid-day on Friday, the first day of the Virginia Tea Party Convention in Richmond, and I could see Suzanne Curran heading across the floor toward bloggers row where I was seated at my laptop computer. She was dressed in a "November is Coming" t-shirt and was preparing to head out for a bite to eat and to hit some breakout sessions before the afternoon speaker events began later in the main hall.

A go-getter who would make the Energizer Bunny pant from exhaustion, Suzanne has conservative, principled beliefs she stands for, and she doesn't suffer fools gladly. Missteps by some tea party people have made her wrinkle her brow just as quickly as missteps by moderate Republicans. She does not believe in blindly removing and replacing every elected official just because they are the incumbent, and that extends to grassroots leadership. Some people, like herself, have been in the trenches for years and are happy to have help from newly-arrived tea party patriots.

Suzanne was stopped in Richmond over the weekend by a reporter with the Richmond Times-Dispatch who wrote about the tea party convention and used Suzanne as an example of those involved in the movement. It's worth the read.

Meanwhile, this Shenandoah County activist continues on her mission to stem the tide of liberal Democratic changes to our country. She is a frequent speaker for groups, holds signs at rallies, recruits votes from legislators in DC, and works with others to form tea party groups, book buses to events, and alert more people to become involved and care about government. She has no intention of slowing down because there is still work to be done.

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