Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eric Cantor new House Majority Leader

Statement of RPV Chairman Pat Mullins on Rep. Eric Cantor's Election to Majority Leader

-- Cantor is first Virginian to hold the post--
RPV Chairman Pat Mullins gave the following statement:

"I want to be one of the first to congratulate Rep. Eric Cantor on his election today to be the new Majority Leader in the House of Representatives. The rest of the nation will now know what we in Virginia have known for years  - that Eric Cantor is a hard-working, common-sense conservative, and a tremendous leader.

The new Republican majority has a daunting task ahead in repairing the damage done by President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. Voters overwhelmingly recognized that the country must change course, and quickly. Righting the ship will be hard work, but the new majority couldn't have chosen a better person to help lead the effort.

Congratulations, Majority Leader Cantor on a great achievement! "

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