Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from Gov. Bob McDonnell

As we all prepare to pause in our busy lives to reconnect with family and friends, and to give thanks for all that we have been blessed with in this great and indispensable nation we call home, Maureen and I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

This will be our first Thanksgiving in the Executive Mansion. It is such an incredible honor, and so entirely humbling, to live in this magnificent home: it is "The People's House." And we never forget for a moment that we are here because of you; because of your hard work, commitment, time, prayers and support. You've given me the honor of serving as your governor, and I am committed to serving every day with passion, energy and vision. We've accomplished much in our first 10 months in office, but until this economy is back on track and every Virginian is back to work, we have so much more to do. And we really are just getting started.

Over the next few days, we will have all the kids with us here in Richmond. Sean and Bobby will be back from their first semester at UVa; and Rachel will be back from her first semester of graduate school at Virginia Tech. Jeanine will be here from Virginia Beach, and I know that Cailin's upcoming wedding is going to be the topic of much conversation around the dinner table. In this day and age, when everyone is rushing to meetings, games and classes, or trying to keep up with emails and calls, it can be nice to just slow down for a bit and get to know better those we know the best. And I hope that is what you will be able to do over the next few days as well, with the family and friends that you love and care about.

Below this email is the official Thanksgiving Proclamation issued by our office. If you have a moment, you may enjoy reading it. It reminds us that while all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, only Virginians can take credit for starting the holiday! Another remarkable fact about our historic Commonwealth.

Again, Maureen and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving, and best wishes for a great holiday season.


Bob McDonnell
Governor of Virginia

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