Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jim Webb in a political dilemma

George Allen called Jim Webb "R2-D2" during the 2006 U.S. senate debate at The Homestead, a reference to Webb's jumping political parties not for principled beliefs but to enhance his own career. He had been a Republican twice and a Democrat twice.

In light of November's crushing Democratic defeats, is Webb now considering becoming "R3-D2"? If he is, he may have sunk his own ship by voting not once but twice for ObamaCare.

Barbara Hollingsworth has a good article in today's Washington Examiner that looks at Webb's indecision and lack of party loyalty, writing:

Webb has now crossed party lines twice – and to advance his own political career, not to uphold political principles. The former Secretary of the Navy under Ronald Reagan, Webb jumped ship to run as a Democrat in 2006, defeating George Allen in Virginia by a margin of less than 0.5 percent. The election of three conservative Republicans in Virginia’s statewide election last November must have made him nervous, but apparently not enough to cross party lines and vote against the Democrats’ health care bill.

No, it took the late Ted Kennedy’s seat falling into Republican hands to convince Webb that he needed to distance himself from the rest of his fellow Senate Democrats, who totally excluded Republicans when they were putting together this legislative monstrosity. Webb’s too-little, too-late insistence on fairness now is nothing but another political calculation designed to insulate himself from irate voters. If Brown is seated and the Republicans filibuster, Webb can blame them for “killing health care reform,” supposedly leaving him completely off the hook.

Webb can spin this all he wants, but there’s one thing this party changer can’t change: his vote for Obamacare.
Keep an eye on Webb. It should be interesting....

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