Thursday, December 09, 2010

Larry Elder: "The WikiLeaks vindication of George W. Bush"

Time has a way of letting the facts come out. "Yellowcake" and all the faux outrage from Joe Wilson and the liberal left had President George W. Bush excoriated by mainstream media as well as the liberals. WikiLeaks exposes the fact there were weapons of mass destruction, according to Mr. Elder, who ended his article by writing:
Bush, hammered by the insidious "Bush Lied, People Died" mantra, endured one of the most vicious smears against any president in history. He is owed an apology.

When Hollywood makes "The Vindication of George W. Bush," maybe Sean Penn can play the lead.
With the former president's current approval rating higher than Barack Obama's, one has to wonder if it will creep up even higher as this news gets out there.

People may not have agreed with President Bush 100% of the time but he declared after 9/11 that his #1 job was the protect the American people from terrorism. He was ready, steady, and unflinching in the face of evil. As one person commented on the Larry Elder article ... who would you rather have with you in a foxhole? Joe Wilson (or any other liberal) ... or George W. Bush?

It's important who you choose to watch your back in battle....

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