Saturday, December 04, 2010

WaEx: "The rest of the story about those Andy Griffith ObamaCare ads"

Many have seen the ad on television of homespun Andy Griffith sitting in an easy chair singing the praises of ObamaCare and how wonderful it will be for everyone when this overreaching legislation is enacted. The part that really caught my attention was the "free check-ups for all" comment. Free?

Andy Griffith always came across as the guy who downplayed his smarts in roles he played on TV. Surely he has not fallen hook, line, and sinker for believing there will be "free check-ups for all"? Mr. Griffith, there is no such thing as "free" and I took you as someone who knew better than to believe the lines you fed TV viewers in that ad.

In the words of Washington Examiner OpEd contributor Tom Fitton:
"At a time when the government desperately needs to tighten its belt, taxpayers and principled members of Congress should be outraged that the Obama administration has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on this propaganda campaign."
Here are the financial documents pertaining to that ad, courtesy of Judicial Watch through the Washington Examiner. Could the money spent to promote ObamaCare been better used?

1 comment:

  1. Andy, you'd better start doing like Barney and keep your bullet in your pocket...
