Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Eric Cantor: Congress carrying out work of the people

After the emotional aftermath of Arizona's shooting tragedy, Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va) has written in The Hill that Congress is getting back to work. In "A Promise to Cut-and-Grow," he wrote:
Following a very emotional week of national healing, Congress has returned to carry out the work of the people. As we keep Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and all the victims of the attack in our prayers, House Republicans look forward to engaging in a thoughtful and vigorous debate to reshape the role government plays in our society.

Operating under the faulty assumption that growing bigger and doing more is necessarily better, government over the years has grown inefficient, unfocused and wasteful. Progressively higher spending of tax dollars has only translated into progressively poorer results for all Americans.

House Republicans are determined to move Congress in a different direction. We believe in a government that controls less and spends less, but achieves more. A smarter, more efficient and more focused government. And a government that views its entrepreneurs, businesses and investors more as engines of innovation and job creation than as sources of federal revenue to be redistributed.

Our approach to governing is simple: Cut and grow. Cut spending and job-destroying regulation and grow private-sector jobs and the economy. With everything we do in Congress, we will ask the following questions: Are our efforts addressing job creation and the economy; are they cutting spending; and are they shrinking the size of the federal government while protecting and expanding individual liberty? If not, why are we doing it?
The article can be read in its entirety here.

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