Friday, January 14, 2011

Gubernatorial appointments announced

 Paul Logan, Deputy Press Secretary
Paul Logan formerly served as Deputy Political Communications Director for the Republican Governors Association, overseeing their national tracking efforts in the 2010 mid-terms.  During McDonnell’s 2009 campaign for Governor he served as Research Coordinator.  He went on to work for the Inaugural Committee, assisting with press and logistics.  During the 2008 Presidential election Logan worked on Senator John McCain’s campaign as Press Assistant to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Communications Director.  Logan graduated from Tulane University in 2008 with a degree in English and Economics and a minor in Political Science.  He is a native of Arlington, Virginia.
Health and Human Resources
 Donna Douglas, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Social Services
Donna Douglas has over 25 years of national, state and local experience including strategic planning, agency management, organization development, training and program design and evaluation. Donna is known for her knowledge and experience in public social service programs.  She is currently the Director of Hanover County Department of Social Services in Virginia.  She holds an MSW in Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate School of Social Work. She was an adjunct faculty member of the same school for five years.  She was the past chairperson of the local council of the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) and is a United States Productivity and Quality Assurance Board member. Her most recent achievement includes the APHSA award for local innovation in performance management in the public sector.  She also chairs several state and local advisory committees on program development, legislative implementation, and community involvement and performance management.
Virginia Liaison Office
 Michael DiSabatao, Policy Analyst
Michael DiSabato was the Policy Manager at Republican Main Street Partnership for the past year and half.  DiSabato also worked for a short time at the American Health Care association, performing legislative research. Prior to that, he was a staffer for Former Congressman Tom Davis of Virginia on Capitol Hill where he provided the Congressman with analysis on Legislation. Michael holds a Bachelors Degree in Political Science from Roger Williams University.  He currently lives in Arlington, Virginia.

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