Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Poll: Should health care be repealed?

From former Virginia Gov. and U.S. Senator George Allen....

January 19, 2011

Dear Patriot,

After last November’s historic elections, I wrote in the Richmond Times-Dispatch that the new Congress must “Keep Promises to ‘We the People.’ ” One of those promises was to repeal the massive, anti-jobs, government takeover of our American healthcare system – whether through outright repeal or by defunding it – and replace it with affordable, personal Health Savings Accounts.

The President and Democratic Congress promised that Obamacare would reduce the costs of health care and would let us keep our current health plans. Instead we have seen companies across our nation – from Boeing to Caterpillar to 3M – announce increases in their healthcare costs and reductions in employee benefits.

The Obama Administration was forced to grant waivers to thirty companies and organizations – including McDonalds and the United Federation of Teachers – representing 1 million employees who faced higher premiums or lost coverage without an exemption from the government-imposed healthcare mandates.

But the Washington liberals continue to ignore our voices and the message of November’s elections. They defend the massive expansion of Medicaid, which is an unfunded mandate on our States and will result in higher college tuition. They continue to argue that the federal government can dictate that Americans must enter into private contracts and purchase health insurance.

Thankfully, the new Congress will keep its promises and will soon vote first to repeal Obamacare, then vote to begin the process of replacing it.

The Washington liberals still don’t get it. Harry Reid called Republicans working to repeal health care “misguided” saying they “should get a new lease on life and talk about something else.” And Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio said repealing health care is “a colossal waste of time”. I know that with higher health insurance costs, increased spending, and higher debt, it will be harder to reinvigorate our economy and get Americans back to work.

I want to know what you think.

Should the House of Representatives repeal the costly, government healthcare takeover plan and replace it? Or should they leave it in place?

Please go to my website and vote in this poll, which we will share with the members of Congress.

Standing Strong for Freedom,

George Allen

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