Monday, January 24, 2011

Washington Examiner Monday headlines

Timothy P. Carney - Immelt, Daley, and Obama's antipathy to free markets

Immelt and Daley don't represent a new side of Barack Obama -- they represent the unhealthy collusion of Big Business and Big Government that has always been the essence of Obamanomics.

Susan Ferrechio - GOP to use State of the Union to press Obama on cuts

The face-off between Republicans and Democrats over federal spending officially kicks off Tuesday when the House votes on a measure to slash the budget to 2008 levels just hours before President Obama delivers his State of the Union address.

Michael Barone - Shriver and Lieberman take link to JFK with them

John Kennedy's inaugural, like Sargent Shriver's institution building, does not fit the partisan template of today's Democratic Party. Kennedy's words come closer to resembling those uttered by another American president, who delivered his first inaugural from the West Front of the Capitol 30 years ago last Thursday, Ronald Reagan. As Shriver's death and Lieberman's retirement suggest, Kennedy's heritage is now national and historic, not contemporary and partisan.

Julie Mason - Address gives Obama chance to build on momentum

President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday comes at a critical moment in his presidency, with many Americans doubting his ability to mend the economy as he prepares to start his re-election bid.

Michael Barone - Union membership down again in 2010

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is out with its annual report on union membership. It’s down, once again: 11.9% of employees  in 2010 were union members, down from 12.3% in 2009. There were 14.7 million union members, significantly down from 1983, the first year for which comparable data is available, when there were 17.7 million. Read More

Timothy P. Carney - Honest pro-choicers admit Roe v. Wade was a horrible decision

Today, President Obama sang the praises of Roe v. Wade. On one level, that's not surprising -- he's the most pro-choice President ever. But Obama is also a Harvard Law School alumnus, and he used to teach Constitutional law, and so you would think he would see Roe for the embarrassing bit of ideologically motivated junk it is. Read More

J.P. Freire - In Philadelphia abortion clinic murders, liberals blame stingy American taxpayers

It's amazing what cognitive dissonance can do: Liberals reacting to the news of the Philadelphia Horror with hairsplitting about what was actually so horrible about Kermit Gosnell's abortion "clinic." Some say it's horrifying that Gosnell ran such a "crappy clinic." Or that it's awful so many had to rely on it because of poor "access," referring critically to the Hyde Amendment which prohibits taxpayer funding for abortions. Read More
David Freddoso - Shooting at a Walmart -- should we blame the rhetoric?
One person appears to have been killed in this incident. It's no laughing matter. So let me ask a serious question about the implications it has for our political discourse. Read More
Mark Tapscott - Rasmussen says Wendy's most popular fast food
Not sure just how significant this development is in the history of the Republic, but just in case, here goes: Americans favor Wendy's fast food over McDonalds and Burger King, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national survey of adults. "Sixty one percent have at least a somewhat favorable view of Wendy’s, including 16% with a Very Favorable opinion," Rasmussen said. "Thirty-two percent regard Wendy's unfavorably, with 11% who have a very unfavorable view." Read More

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