Tuesday, February 01, 2011

National Journal: 2012 candidates lining up nationwide

From the National Journal's Hotline OnLine:

Most troubling for national Democrats, however, is that Rehberg gives Republicans another top tier contender. Even though it's only the beginning of February, Republicans have strong recruits running against sitting senators in Montana (Rehberg), Virginia (George Allen), and Nebraska (Jon Bruning) with solid Republican fields forming in Missouri and Florida. Sen. Kent Conrad's retirement gives Republicans another great pickup opportunity in North Dakota.
There's more on nationwide candidates lining up....

Then there is this from LifeNews comes this:

The pro-life movement has the opportunity to pick up pro-abortion seats in the 2012 elections and there are also Senate seats with pro-life senators, or those who tend to vote pro-life, in play that pro-life advocates should monitor.

On the whole, the chance of making further gains in the Senate from the successful 2010 elections is a real possibility. Republicans could find themselves with a majority control of the Senate and the ability to approve judges from what the pro-life community hopes will be a newly-elected pro-life president.

Virginia: Incumbent pro-abortion Senator Jim Webb (D) is vulnerable after refusing to cast one pro-life vote in a state that trends pro-life. Senator Webb currently holds a dismal 0% rating from the National Right to Life Committee. Pro-Life former senator and governor George Allen entered the race this month, presenting a formidable challenge to Democratic control of the seat. Early polling puts the two neck-in-neck.
Stay tuned....

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