Thursday, February 10, 2011

Richard Dreyfuss ... sorry for his liberal statements?

Richard Dreyfuss at CPAC? That liberal actor from Los Angeles ... surely he must be a spy?

The annual Conservative Political Action Conference that draws thousands of conservative activists began today in Washington, DC. Live coverage including Tweets are being covered at the Washington Examiner. If you're at CPAC, be sure to stop by and say hello at the WaEx booth.

I saw a Tweet earlier from someone who had seen actor Richard Dreyfuss working his way through the crowds. Now a surprising 24-minute interview with the actor has been posted at Pajamas Media.

From Pajamas Media:
You have to give Richard Dreyfuss credit. He is honorable enough to admit when he is wrong. But why did this supposedly liberal Hollywood veteran decide to do it CPAC? Dreyfuss sits down with Roger L. Simon to discuss politics, civility, Hollywood and education. Also hear about Richard's project, The Dreyfuss Initiative. You don't want to miss this PJTV interview.

Dreyfuss: "I was wrong, I overstepped my bounds"

Dreyfuss: "I said I am for civility and I broke my own rule"

Dreyfuss: "You should mistrust everything I am about to say"

Dreyfuss: "The mandate of education should be to make our children smarter…our mandate could be said to be I want my kids to be smarter on Friday than they are on Monday"

Dreyfuss: "The Bill of Rights is picture of our future moral character."
So is he a changed man ... or just peddling his new non-profit initiative? Hot Air has an interview with him, too. Lots of action going on at CPAC ... and the weekend has just gotten underway.


  1. Only time will tell if there is real change of if he is simply an opportunist.

  2. He was hanging with Ron Paul fans, at least when I saw him.
