Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Webb seeks do-over on economy-stifling energy vote

- Supported Job-Crushing EPA Regs, Now Backs Delay -

Press release....
Mt. Vernon, VA – Senator Jim Webb is obviously attempting to distract attention away from his past support for burdensome regulations harmful to American jobs, competitiveness, and affordable electricity.

In June 2010 , Webb sided with the Obama Administration and fellow Washington liberals Harry Reid, John Kerry, and Barbara Boxer to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gases and knowingly inflict damage to employers, manufacturers, and Virginia families.

Now within his reelection cycle, Webb has cynically signed onto a bill to delay for two years the very regulations he voted to allow.

George Allen issued the following statement today:
“Jim Webb is seeking a legislative do-over after turning his back on Virginia families by siding with Washington liberals like Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer by voting in favor of costly and burdensome regulations. When it mattered, he cast a vote that was severely harmful to coal-related jobs, manufacturers, and all employers and families in Virginia and across America. It eroded America’s competitive position in the world and set back efforts to supply affordable electricity to families and businesses. It was a vote for American economic unilateral disarmament. Further, it was a vote in favor of ceding legislative responsibility to unelected bureaucrats.

“I will always stand with the people of Virginia and for unleashing our plentiful resources to allow the creativity and ingenuity of Americans to move our country forward with economic opportunities for all. I continue to advocate for a positive, productive, and diverse American energy policy that will free people from the costly burdens of government intrusion into their daily lives, entrepreneurial efforts, and free market enterprises. You shouldn’t need an election cycle makeover to take that stand for American jobs, competitiveness, and national security.”

1 comment:

  1. Now if we can just get him to vote for the repeal of the Health Care Law, it would be even better. Do you think there's any possibility?
