Thursday, March 10, 2011

Democrat Mark Warner: Do as I say, not as I do

UPDATE: Smitty at The Other McCain picked up on this post Thursday mid-day. Thanks for the link, Smitty....

Democrat Mark Warner Talks About Balancing Budget, Votes Against Balanced Budget Amendment --More of the same from Democratic Governor who broke promise not to raise taxes --

After voting for nearly $1 trillion in 'stimulus' spending, casting the deciding vote for $2 trillion in spending for ObamaCare, Mark Warner has finally realized that the federal government has a serious financial problem.

But it's not enough of a problem for him to support a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Given the opportunity to put his apparent new-found concern for the nation's fiscal state into action, Mark Warner punted.

It's not at all surprising.

Remember 2001? "The fact is I will not raise taxes. You can say it 20 more times, but the people will know the difference."
Mark Warner on Taxes, 2001
Mark Warner on Taxes, 2001
Then Mark Warner started talking about "budget reform," and taxpayers wound up on the hook for an additional $1.4 billion in taxes.

Warner said there was an urgent need, and that Virginia's budget was sunk without it. After the tax hike was law, his office announced a $544 million surplus.

Remember: Just like President Obama, all of Mark Warner's statements come with an expiration date.

From Republican Party of Virginia....

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