Friday, March 18, 2011

From George Allen ... 3/18/11

Dear Fellow Patriot,

As I talk with folks throughout the Commonwealth, I am often asked – what is Washington doing to about our rising gas prices? America is number one in the world in energy resources. We should be cleanly and creatively using our resources rather than sending billions of dollars out of our country. We also must stop burdensome regulations which cause high electricity, fuel and food costs. The truth is Washington’s counterproductive energy policies have decreased domestic production, created economic uncertainty and left us more vulnerable than ever to the whims and designs of hostile dictators, oligarchs and cartels.

Just yesterday Harry Reid and his liberal allies in the Senate decided it was more important to go home than vote on legislation that would stop the EPA from imposing a back-door cap-and-trade scheme. The amendment introduced by Senator McConnell and originally proposed by Senator Inhofe would prevent unprecedented EPA regulation over greenhouse gases and stop harmful regulations that would make our electricity, gasoline and food more expensive; destroy jobs; and amount to a massive tax increase on American consumers.

Only in Washington would it make sense to outsource our energy and economic future to unelected bureaucrats. It’s time for Congress to act and regulate the regulators. We must not allow unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats to destroy American jobs, harm employers and hurt Virginia families.

With your continued help, advice and support, we will fight for the positive solutions and ideas that matter most to the families of Virginia. Remember, you can help our campaign by encouraging your friends and family to join our grassroots insurgency by:

Stay strong for freedom!

George Allen

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