Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jim Riley for House of Delegates?

Something unexpected came out of Tuesday's redistricting fever as maps were studied, lines were traced, and sudden realizations came out for some who found themselves in new districts.

Indeed, Prince William County resident Jim Riley, who had considered running for the Board of Supervisors, found himself drawn into an open 2nd House District seat and immediately began being wooed to run.

Riley, who heads up the Virginia Virtucon blog and is a Northern Virginia businessman, lives in the eastern part of Prince William along the Potomac River. When it was thought he may end up in Democratic supervisor Frank Principi's Woodbridge District, he had been courted by the Republicans to run for that position.

However, redistricting didn't draw Riley into Principi's district, as expected, but the surprise was that he was drawn into an open House District seat presenting perhaps a different path to public service.

With his experience as the at-large representative on the county's Housing Board and president of the largest Home Owners Association in the district with more than 5,100 residents, a position he has held the past seven years, Jim Riley may be the man needed to represent that area in Richmond.

Cross-posted at Virginia Virtucon

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